(Pupil.) There is no harshness in the breath
Of this-is life surpassed, and death?
(Master.) There is the Snake that gives delight
And Knowledge, stirs the heart aright
With drunkenness. Strange drugs are thine
Hadit, and draughts of wizard wine!
These do not hurt. Thine hermits dwell
Not in the cold secretive cell,
But under purple canopies
With mighty-breasted mistresses
Magnificent as lionesses-
Tender and terrible caresses!
Fire lives, and light, in eager eyes;
And massed huge hair about them lies.
They lead their hosts to victory:
In every joy they are kings; then see
That secret serpent coiled to spring
And win the world! O priest and king,
Let there be feasting, foining, fighting,
A revel of lusting, singing, smiting!
Work; be the bed of work! Hold! Hold!
The stars´kiss is molten gold.
Harden! Hold thyself up! now die-
Ah! Ah! Exceeded! Exceeded!
(Pupil.) And I?
(Master.) My stature shall surpass the stars:
He hath said it! Men shall worship me
In hidden woods, on barren scaurs,
Henceforth to all eternity.
(Pupil.) Hail! I adore thee! Let us feast.
(Master.) I am the consecrated Beast.
I build the Abominable House.
The Scarlet Woman is my Spouse-
(Pupil.) What is this word?
(Master.) Thou canst not know
Till thou hast passed the Fourth Ordeal.
(Pupil.) I worship thee. The moon-rays flow
Masterfully rich and real
From thy red mouth, and burst, young suns
Chanting Eight Mysterious Orisons!
(Master.) The last spell! The availing word!
The two completed by the third!
The Lord of War, of Vengeance
That slayeth with a single glance!
This light is in me of Lord.
I push His order. Keen and swift
My Hawks´s eye flames; these arms uplift
The Banner of Silence and Strenght-
Hail! Hail! thou art here, my Lord, at lenght!
Lo, the Hawk-Headed Lord am I:
My nemyss shrouds the night-blue sky-
Hail! ye twin warriors that guard
The pillars of the world! You time
Is night at hand. The snake that marred
Heaven with his inexhaustible slime
Is slain; I bear the Wand of Power,
The Wand that waxes and that wanes;
I crush the Universe this hour
In my left hand; and naught remains!
Ho! for the splendour in my name
Hidden and glorius, a flame
Secretly shooting from the sun.
Aum! Ha!-my destiny is done.
The Word is spoken and concealed.
(Pupil.) I am stunned. What wonder was revealed?
(Master.) The rite is secret.
(Pupil.) Profits it?
(Master.) Only to wisdom and to wit.
(Pupil.) The other did not less.