28.Berith.Duke. Desember 22-30. CAPRICORN (day). Two of Disks. Venus-Copper.
This Spirit in Order, as SALOMON bound all these Goetia Spirits, is named Berith. He is a Mighty, Great, and Terrible Duke. He has two other Names given unto him by men of later times, viz: BEALE, BEAL, BOFRY OR BOLFRY. He appears in the Form of soldier with red clothing, riding upon red horse, and having a crown of gold upon his head. He gives true answers, past , present and come. You must use a Ring when calling him. He can turn all metals into gold. He can give Dignities, and can confirm them unto man. Notwithstanding what is said above it is written is great liar, and not to be trusted. He governs 26 Legions of Spirits.
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